When I am a young man, I shall wear purple.
I should never trust my memory when it comes to project details. The thing is, I always forget that I shouldn't trust my memory...

I cast on 72 sts and went to town thinking that I always cast on 72 sts and go (uh, no, 60 is my usual number). Alas, the foot of the sock is too baggy on me and so, Johnke will receive a pair of purple socks.
A few posts ago, I mentioned a sweater and declared that henceforth it would be my knitting muse. Here it is (by the way, it's so great to have friend that is willing to indulge even your stranger desires—Jessie kindly allowed me to photograph and fondle her sweater):

NOTE!! My friend, Zab, who is an awesome photographer, told me that she'd had a problem commenting here. I took a look at my settings and I had chosen to allow "Registered Users Only" to comment. Ugh! If you've wanted to leave me a note, but didn't want to be forced into registering, I apologize. I've swapped "Registered Users Only" with "Anyone." Comment away!
Back to socks for a sec. I've decided that socks are my favorite knitting circle project. I used to love to knit socks and while I still love handknitted socks, I'm over the honeymoon I had with sock creation. Now I find them a bit, well, uh, boring to knit when I'm on my own. In company, however, they're a dream knit! Easy, fun, portable, and voila, a few knitting groups down and a pair of socks to boot. Sock knitting pairs up well with wine, heated conversation, and teaching—all activities which tend to distract me from the finer points of what I should be doing with my yarn & needles.
I agree! I love knitting socks at knitting group - I don't have to think and I still get progress! I also like them during meetings and movies!
Hello from another erica. I go through minor obsessions with socks. I love the first one and half of the second one and then I'm sick of socks. Of course, as soon as I finish one I find a pattern that I want to make and start yet another pair. And I agree they are the perfect project at any knitting group or even with another person in the room. They are easy to do while talking - so I guess they are my perfect chatting project. :)
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