Sometimes shame comes publically
I've learned that I can't blog/knit while I'm contemplating massive, brain chemistry revising, potentially schism-inducing changes to my life. Phew! However, I'm calming down and am celebrating by posting from work and joining candyswappers.
So...Olympic Knitting never really happened for me. Well, it did a little bit, but it never really took off. I did make progress, however, and I will have pics posted soon. My life is generally calm, staid, perhaps even boring. During the Olympics, however, it was fraught with vacation, sinus pain, and brain-wracking life inventory-ing! All these events took me away from knitting and while I managed to show up for the Olympics, I pretty much had to pull a Michelle Kwan. Perhaps a bit of public humiliation is good for the psyche every once in a while. Hey, in any event, it's better than pubic humiliation. Ok, I thought it, I thought about not writing it, and then I wrote it anyway. It's true! and it's kinda me-ish (if you happen to be interested in getting to know me).
Because I hate posting without pictures, I present to you:

Just wanted to say your blog is awesome--and I'm your candy swappin' pal. I've almost got your little package ready to send, for sure by Monday.
Happy candyswapping,
Show Low, Arizona
Hello from Kim L. in TX ! R. McNall mentioned your site to me and I found it today by doing some searching. Hope that you are doing well! I am still struggling at knitting, do some crocheting also.
Good to see pics of you two and the doggies.
Hi Jana! I'm nearly finished getting my package ready too...I've got a couple more things to track down, but I'm hoping to finish by Saturday : ) Thanks for your nice comment aobut the blog. I've been feeling guilty about not posting!!!!! Ack. It's been waay too long.
Hi Kim!!!!! I need your actual email address -- I know I've got it somewhere, but I've been pretty bad about keeping in touch and kinda disorganized since I've been in Philadelphia. Hello to Rob for me and a good rub for the beaglie. love, e.
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