13 November 2006
07 November 2006
old habits die hard (or not at all)

This is my current favorite lunch. An entire salad, created according to my tastes (by me) and containing not even one piece of lettuce. You can't tell, but this is about two pounds of roasted veggies (carrot and aspargus heavy, mmmmmm), broccoli, chick peas, cucumbers & etc. Why am I boasting? Because it only cost $3.81 -- after tax! It's sold by container volume and not weight. How cool is that? It lasts me through at least two lunches (and sometimes more). Am I cheap? YES! An old habit, but hey, I'm keeping it real. Less money spent on food equals more money spent on yarn.
04 November 2006
03 November 2006
My next two pairs of socks?

(Top: Opal Tiger Stripes in Rainforest Bottom: Groovy Lanna Grossa Cotton Stripes) I don't want to be just a sock person, but it's hard to justify stopping when it's such a great car activity. Progress on the bias sweater is slow at the moment. Also not doing so well in terms of making this blog fun, or helpful. Hm. I think that I'll go swimming and mull it over in the twilight of the pool.
02 November 2006
homage a snack

OK, so there are Rothko (Mark) paintings out there that more closely resemble my snack package, but I chose this one anyway because the pink is speaking to me.
Apparently, the cosmic balance did not require my Trekking socks as payment for my delicious snack because I found them! So, besides portability and ease of loss, the small size of socks also mean that they can be squished into a backpack and not found by a quickly inserted and exerted hand.
I had made an unspoken resolution to get out of the sock knitting business and into the sweater knitting business, but then I remembered about Lana Grossa self-striping yarn and Opal Tiger Stripes yarn...
how does one take a picture of something one no longer has?
You know how socks are so great becuase they're so portable and all of that? Well, guess what: that portablity and smallness of size means that they're quite easily LOST. Yes, I lost my stinking socks! I'd finished knitting one (see picture below), then promtly twisted an ankle and lost the knitted sock, its unknit mate (i.e. remainder of ball of yarn) and the #1 Brittany needles (I'd started cuff #2) on which I was knitting them. ARGH.
Have I mentioned that Fall is so beautiful? Love, e.