As Promised!

These are the two projects I tend to spend most of my time with right now. I get to knit on the way to work and socks are the perfect car project. I'm fairly sure that I don't need to spend any more time writing about the virtues of Trekking sock yarn (the ball of yarn is in the halloween baggie—my budget does not allow for fancy project bags). Does that triangular thing look familiar? Wow. I put the sweater down so long ago that I forgot how fun it is to knit. It's so fun to knit that I don't care that I can't find an entire panel...I'll re-knit it! Who cares if I'll never find the same dye lot!! I had to throw that ball of Fortissima into the photograph to marvel over the fact that I still have enough left over for another entire pair of socks!

All my recently finished socks.

Another gift! I'm not saying who's receivng this pair of thrummed mittens with an i-cord to hold them together.

My sad, double-sided scarf. It's really not this ugly. It needs some blocking and I'll be removing that horrible, pink border...
I'm not offering you any ways to earn money!! I wanted to comment that having seen the scarf in person, I feel it's honor may need defending! This is a good lookin' scarf. No doubts, and in my world, I find the pink border quite fetching.
Here's to the prolific knitter, Ms E!! Hip hip hooray!
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