25 October 2006
24 October 2006
Yes, no photo

I should be better than this, but I'm not! However—I do try. I have Rhinebeck photos, photos to make of roving (my first merino), and stuff to post. What is this, you say? Merely a stop-gap, I say: A hullo, a wassup, a tickity tonk.Non-new year's resolutions: 1) Be more helpful 2) Be more fun. Hey! I got a set of Denise Interchangeable Needles! I'm excited. I hope that I love them as much as other people seem to love them. This garbled post has been brought to you by end-of-day-melty-brain and caffeine-vitamin combo.
17 October 2006
Oh pretty green!

I feel weird admitting to this, but I kind of enjoy rain. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some kind of goth who has issues with happy, dazzling sunlight. I’m just saying that rain doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. Besides being a part of the water cycle (valued highly by me), the presence of rain generally means that there are clouds overhead, which generally means that the sun isn’t beating down, which generally means that all sorts of greens can be seen outside. If you ask me, that’s pretty cool.
I love work too. I know; I’m a total freak. Admittedly, I’m in the honeymoon phase with my job, but I truly like it. Now, I’m not one of those people who are constantly working, but I do have a long day and if I’m being very truthful, it hasn’t been so easy balancing work-life with weekday socializing. OK, so one of my friends told me that I’ve been a pretty crappy friend since I’ve begun working. I am trying to rectify the situation and thought that I’d begin by sharing a part of my life: a photo of my new cube!
It’s cute and I like it. You got beef with that? (not you)
P.S. My muse, Heather, a.k.a. Sassy Slaw, has just finished one of her Monster Slippers. This is a huge achievement given the near un-followable directions provided to her. She's very patient and very nice and very tenacious.
P.P.S. Have you seen this? It's my inspiration of the day. I suck at crochet, but I intend to copycat the (crocheted) shawl my friend, Tifanee, is making. Dude, I’m in need of some serious crochet mentoring.
10 October 2006
As Promised!

These are the two projects I tend to spend most of my time with right now. I get to knit on the way to work and socks are the perfect car project. I'm fairly sure that I don't need to spend any more time writing about the virtues of Trekking sock yarn (the ball of yarn is in the halloween baggie—my budget does not allow for fancy project bags). Does that triangular thing look familiar? Wow. I put the sweater down so long ago that I forgot how fun it is to knit. It's so fun to knit that I don't care that I can't find an entire panel...I'll re-knit it! Who cares if I'll never find the same dye lot!! I had to throw that ball of Fortissima into the photograph to marvel over the fact that I still have enough left over for another entire pair of socks!

All my recently finished socks.

Another gift! I'm not saying who's receivng this pair of thrummed mittens with an i-cord to hold them together.

My sad, double-sided scarf. It's really not this ugly. It needs some blocking and I'll be removing that horrible, pink border...
09 October 2006
A Medal for Failures?

It's a bad photograph of a sock leg in progress!
Goal: photoshoot during lunch tomorrow.
Knitting news: I've begun knitting my Teva Durham sweater again! Fair Isle on the bias, attempt no.2.
Back of mind issue for this afternoon: what should my knitting olympics failure medal look like? Were there other knitting olympic scratches besides me? Would they like to come here to get their very own failure medals for their websites? Perhaps the "failure medal" should have a different name. How about the "consolatory medal?" I think it's kind of funny that I should be getting around to the medal at such a late date. It underscores the whole nature of my debacle with the knitting olympics!
06 October 2006
I'm a hungry theif

I had to steal this beautiful picture! Here's the website—I'd like to thank them for their contribution to my Friday post.
I'm planning to bring a bento to work for lunch on Monday. I'm also planning to bring an extra for after tennis on Monday. I am new to tennis and have to say: tennis is great! Oh, you know what else is great? Yaki onigiri! That's where you take your rice ball (and obviously whatever it contains) and coat it lightly in oil and either teriyaki sauce, or soy sauce and grill it. My mouth is now watering and I am diligently refraining from making Homer Simpson type sounds because I'm in a public setting.
Butter Krak!

I'm not even going to make an excuse regarding the fact that there's no photograph of knitted objects here. I'm just going to say, butter krak.
I've finished the pink socks! They're too big for me, but that means that they'll be a good gift! Hello, gift-giving season, I'm one up already! Also, there is enough yarn left for me to make myself a pair too. This time, I'm actually going to have to knit for gauge. Oh well. Hey, if you are using Fortissima, I recommend knitting with US size 2 needles, rather than with size 3s. Why? Because the 3 needles make a fabric that is slightly too "holey" for my tastes. Not that they're not great! I swear I'm not distributing sub-standard gifts!
I've cast on my Trekking socks. I love them. Pink and orange together make me happy. They've thrown browns in there too. I love this yarn. It is the best. Absolutely the best. I'm knitting them on size 1 dpns.
Do you ever think, "Who have I turned into?"
By the way, I'm having a great Friday.
Oh! And the photo above shows the package I mailed to my candyswap pal (yes, back around St. Patrick's day/Easter). Do you want to candyswap? Halloween is coming up and Mariko organizes great candyswaps.