Illicit post.
I'm posting from work, so I don't have any pictures. Oooo, I'm being bad. It feels good, though : )
I've started my Lace Leaf Pullover...ya ever begin a project just knowing it's destined for failure, but you do it anyway and you're not sure why, but you maybe want to watch your own train-wreck, well, that's me with this sweater.
The sweet peoples I knit with on Monday swear that it's beautiful, & etc. Let me assure you that it is not. Actually, you can be the judge when I post its photograph here.
The problem begins with the dye job. I suck at dying. Perhaps I should get some real dyes. I used cake dye.
The problem continues with the yarn. I don't know how to spin a good chunky yarn. When I began spinning, I thought that spinning a thin yarn evenly was a challenge. HA! Ugh. Talk about overspun in parts. It's practically hard in some areas. I'm lucky that I had merino...merino is soft and there's not much even I can do to spoil that.
I'm going to teach a friend to spin on Thursday. Oh, happy joy because I'd love to have someone to spin with! She's got her own wheel, which means that I get to play with a different wheel! Yay!